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2 month ampuversary, Christmas trees, new shoes and a chemo failure

I guess I haven’t been keeping you up to date with me since I have SO much to say!

Number one, Thanksgiving is fantastic! Mom says she’s thankful to have me around still. I think it’s just a gift of food spillage that I get to clean up. While cancer sucks, I DO get away with stuff like eating people food that gets dropped. I’m quite good at finding even the smallest of bits.img_3485

Also, I’m going to throw out a suggestion to all you tripawd pawrents out there. See the socks I’m wearing in the kitchen? We need something to keep us from slipping around on hard floors. My mom put rugs and mats all over our house which she hated (and it kept me from finding a cool spot to lay on), but it doesn’t take care of floors anywhere else. She tried these all rubber slip on things and they did work, but my paws got all sweaty. Yuck. So she found these. They are called Grippers and I like them. They are sized to fit me and they have rubber all around so even if they shift, I still have traction. There is cloth between my paws and the rubber so I don’t sweat either. I wear them anytime I go to the vet and sometimes around the house and even while napping post Thanksgiving dinner. boots And there’s a bonus for tripawds- an extra sock as a spare!

Okay, back to talking about my “illness”. Psshht, I don’t feel ill. So, my mom talked to the oncologist about my getting sick after my 2nd chemo and the doctor told here they would pre-medicate me with anti nausea meds and see if that helped. Mom doesn’t want me to waste any days being sick and I agree, so we agreed to give it another try and see how it goes. Well, when they checked my blood before the 3rd chemo, it came back too low for me to get it! We were both surprised because I was feeling good enough to play on the agility equipment in the play yard at the vet school and ran around the grass and the lobby trying to sniff butts before my appointment. I even stood up and put my foot on the reception counter to beg for cookies and it’s a HIGH counter. Mom says I was being a “spaz”. So now I have to go back in another  week and try again. They said I will go on a four week chemo schedule now.

Now for some GOOD NEWS! Today I am one day short of my 2 month ampuversary!! Yay me! Mom says it seems like yesterday that I came home struggling to maneuver on 3 legs, but all I care about is TODAY. And cookies. I care about cookies every day. Last weekend mom, one of my kids and her boyfriend took me Christmas tree shopping in a place called Apple Hill. Kind of an early ampuversary celebration. It’s up in the mountains and they have apple ranches and tree places. I went last year too, but boy did I get more attention this time! SO many people wanted to pet me I was jumping all over the place. We heard one little boy ask his mom if he could pet me, but she said no because I was a “service dog”. I guess my harness looks like a service vest, but mom said she was pretty sure service dogs don’t act all crazy like I was! That, and the lack of a leg bit. So, we got some apples at one place (I LOVE apples btw) and then went in search of the perfect tree. I supervised the choice and guarded it while they found someone to cut it downimg_3491

Here’s me and the kid and the boyfriend (who I quite like even though he also likes the cat).img_3494 I really wanted one of the BIG trees, but mom says the ceiling isn’t that high and our house is too small. This one barely qualifies as a tree.


  1. By: megstamum on December 4, 2016 at 9:17 pm      Reply

    Oh wow, Fionn! What a busy ol’ time you’ve been having. You certainly look like you enjoyed your Thanksgiving dinner! And look at you helping choose a Christmas tree, that’s definitely a service you performed, and a very nice one you chose too!
    Here’s wishing you a thoroughly festive time, and Happy Ampuversary too!

    Lots of love,
    Meg, Clare and Elsie Pie xxx

  2. By: midnighter94 on December 4, 2016 at 10:36 pm      Reply

    Fionn, you are just a doll! You did a fabulous job picking out a tree, even if it’s a bit small. lol
    Hoppy Ampuversary!!! 2 months is fabulous!!! I hope your mom made you some peanut butter apple cake! It’s grain-free, so it’s allowed!
    I liked your picture with Santa, too. Murphy face-plants once in awhile, too, and he just laughs, it’s ok.

  3. By: rnbsmama on December 4, 2016 at 10:52 pm      Reply

    This made me cry tears of pure JOY!! Finn is a great dog. Thursday will be 6 weeks and her 2nd chemo is Tuesday. Her WBC went down to 420 at day 14 after round 1. A week of antibiotics and a few extra days. Hope she will be ready Tuesday.

    Are you doing the Cancer diet and using any supplements other than treats? Rosie loves treats too!!

    I keep praying that we will be the miracle and pray for you guys too! I have always loved dogs, but after going through this with Rosie I have to say she is my ‘soul’ dog. I love her with my whole being and feel so grateful that she is in my family. She gives me so much joy. I can see that Finn does that for you!

    Best wishes for many more days of cookies and pupicinos!!

    • By: rmmom on December 5, 2016 at 12:39 am      Reply

      Sorry Rosie’s WBC dropped that much! I never even asked what Fionn’s was, but it wasn’t low enough for antibiotics and they are sure he will be fine in another week. His blood counts before chemo #2 were all fine. They said most dogs drop at 14 days, but are back up by day 21. Since Fionn’s WBC was low at 21 days, he will now go on a 4 week schedule. Fine by me! We are not doing anything special re: diet. I tried all sorts of things with my last dog. Got the dog cancer book, changed to a high protein diet, added special supplements etc. Who knows if it added any time? We found his cancer by accident before he had symptoms, but we still only got 4 months from diagnosis. Surgery was not an option. I put Fionn on the same food when I adopted him thinking it might be a preventative (having 3 previous goldens with 3 different cancers makes a girl nervous-apparently for good reason). He could not handle it though. Gave him terrible diarrhea. He is on a grain free, low calorie kibble now. The cost of surgery and chemo has pretty much ruled out my doing anything else. I’m just hoping for quality over quantity of time. Your Rosie sounds like she is doing well otherwise and I wish you both a long, long, long time together!

  4. By: benny55 on December 7, 2016 at 5:14 am      Reply

    You sure know how to pick out great tiny….er…..I mean…..big Christmas trees Fionn! Good job!!

    A d no worries zbout that wbc stuff. So e theories actually say that means the chemo is working!!

    Regardless, you are feeling fine and that’s all that matters!! You’re mom sure is doing a great job of keeping you happy and healthy!!

    A d btw, yoy look ADORABLE and soooo comfy in your Grippers! Glad to know they work so well!!


    Love a d hugs!

    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

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